How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid

sitting at home in 5 minutes but you must listen to the first part also, from that you will come to know how much I am frustrated with jio3 and you will also come to know that I take jio3 but still if you do not want to How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid watch the first part then you can directly jump to the time step there you will directly get to see all the steps to convert from postpaid to prepaid now let’s start the first part of the video now some time ago I converted my jio3 paid sim [Music] in jio1 you get much better speed as compared to prepaid so here

How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid


I converted my sim, the process of converting to postpaid is so easy if you want to go from prepaid to post You will go directly to your home and within 5 minutes you will complete all the steps and you will become a How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid postpaid user [Music] It has been made very easy, now where did the problem start? I used this SIM for three to four months here, now I thought that now I should go back from postpaid to prepaid because postpaid is very expensive and I am not getting any extra benefits.

How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid
How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid


Now I remembered that I must have done it, then I talked to the customer care, the customer care said that sir, to change your SIM from postpaid to prepaid, you will have to go to the store here, I said that earlier there was an option in your app, they said no, there is no option in our app, you will have to go to the store, I said brother this is a big problem because our store here is Jio3, it is fine, so I am avoiding going to the store, then I thought that I should go a little, I gave my information here, then immediately I got a call from them that


why did I send the port, I said I am facing these problems, then they said that sir you need to go to the store You will have to go to the store because there will be biometrics, you will have to bring it, you will have to go there, you cannot do this work from the app, I said okay I agree with you, but then I used some brain, after How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid that here I converted my postpaid to prepaid using the j app itself, what brainstorming did I do about that, now here we will talk about the steps, I will tell you, but I did not like this thing of j at all


that they removed the process which was earlier in their app from there, why did you remove it brother, I had to switch to prepaid, if you are saying that I want biometrics to convert to prepaid, I will have to go to the How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid store, brother, keep the same steps for postpaid also, so why are you doing postpaid from the app, so I found this thing quite bad that I had definitely seen, so now what did I do, here I have started downloading the old version of j here, so I installed the iPhone 11 month old version here, but there was the same problem in that too,

How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid
How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid


I was not able to see any option to switch to prepaid, so here I will tell you exactly which version did I download 7.0.4 2 So here I downloaded this version, I will give you its direct link in the description, now you can download this version of the app from this external website, so if you have not yet downloaded any app How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid from any third party website in your phone, then first you have to give permission in your phone that you will install the old version and when you open it, it will directly say to update this app,

J’s postpaid individual plan, friends, as J has launched only two individual plans, the first individual plan is of 349 and the second is of 649, so what benefits are you going to get in this, is this plan good for you or not, will you get good benefits from this plan or not, I am going to give you all the information friends, so if you How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid have not liked and subscribed our channel yet, friends, then please like our channel, subscribe and do not


forget to press the bell icon so that our latest videos keep reaching you friends, so we bring a very important video for you, if you search by typing, then the jio3 line is coming, you have to click on it and you have to click on the mobile option and here the postpaid option will come, click on it, as soon as you How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid click friends, some such interface will open, scroll a little, it is coming here friends, friends, in this you will see something There are also hidden charges which you do not know, you get to know about it


later, whenever it comes, then I will clear everything in this, friends, you will not need to watch the video anywhere else and you will know everything in this video itself, friends, so friends, you have to click on view details, as you will click on view details, what is written in it, friends, if you take a plan of one, then the validity How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid in it will be of bill cycle, that is, one by one bill cycle is of 30 days, friends and the data that you are going to get in this, you are going to get unlimited data, that is, no matter how


much data you use, you will get unlimited, whether it is a 4G phone or your 5G phone, friends, everyone will get unlimited data and in this friends, this is an individual plan as you cannot add family members in it and in this friends, the data that you get, the calling you will get will be unlimited and in this friends, the SMS that How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid you will get will be 100 SMS per day, friends, now you can see in this, you will get J t Jio3 subscription and not premium, if you have paid postpaid If you take this plan of Rs. 1000 then you will


not get premium subscription, friends, you will get the same compliance, friends, now friends, let me tell you in this, the hidden charges are hidden chargers, when you take this plan, then while taking this plan, you have to give a security deposit, which is, friends, on the plan of Rs.


649, you will have to give a security deposit of Rs. 825, so this security deposit is refunded, but there are some conditions for it, like if you have made this number prepaid again or you are closing the number or you are getting it ported out, then you will get a link, by clicking on that link, you will have to update your bank How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid details and then your balance will be refunded in your account in 10 to 15 working days, so this security deposit is refunded, understand it is equal to zero but you will have to pay as a friend, now friends, let me tell you in this,


in the hidden charges, you are seeing the plan of Rs. 649, but in this, friends, you have to pay separately GST charge is also to be paid on 18 as your total bill after adding GST charge will be 649 plus GST charge on 18 How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid when you have to pay friends then your bill will be ₹ 6582 paise this bill will come every month friends so in my opinion this plan is right to take because in this you are getting unlimited data because 5G is not launched in some areas some people run cyber cafes so this is a very good plan for them there is unlimited data you can use as much as you want


and you will not have to pay a separate charge for it the data will be limited so this plan is somewhat How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid beneficial to take now friends I will tell you another plan of 349 if you take the plan of 349 then in this you will get the bill cycle date your validity is the same as your 30 days bill cycle date and the total data that you are going to get friends in this you are going to get 30GB data and after it ends i.e.


if you are using 30GB data completely 100% in one bill cycle Then you will be charged at the rate of ₹10 per GB for 10GB, which means that if you use 1GB, then you will be charged ₹10. If you use less than that, then How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid you will be charged at the rate of 0.01 paisa per 10kb. Friends, it is not like if you use 500MB then you will be charged for 1GB.


No, friends, you will be charged at the rate of 0.01 paisa per 10kb. Now friends, see here, if this is not a family plan, then you will not get to use any family member in it. Now, you will get unlimited voice calls in this, you will get SMS per day. In this also, friends, you will get complimentary subscription of j apps, not premium, How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid which all of these are visible to you.


j t j cinema j cloud, this is a complimentary subscription, friends, it is not premium. Now, there are hidden How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid charges in this, friends, one of the hidden charges is that your rate is ₹10 per GB. It will start from 30GB, you will mostly use 30GB data, if you are taking a plan of 349, then extra charge will start getting added to you, then it will come at the rate of ₹10 per GB, it will be added to the bill when the bill comes and in this also you have to pay security deposit of 50 and its monthly rental of 349, on this also you have to pay GST charge of 18,


which will be yours friends 41.82 paise, so you can see friends, this was your plan, you can see friends, I had to give information about this plan, by the way, if I give advice from my side, then I will not advise to take the 349 plan, it is better that you take a prepaid plan, in which in 349 you are getting 1GB data and limited 5G, How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid friends that 349 prepaid plan will be better than this, so if you want, you can take it as per your wish, friends, I had to give this information to you Friends, how did you like the information given by me, please tell me in the comment,


to experience your experience, you say ok I will update it, click on update, your post will open there, you do not have to update there, come back from there and now your old version app will open easily, you have to How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid login there with your postpaid number, you have to make it prepaid, even if it is in your other phone, you can login here in any other phone with that number, you just have to enter the OTP there, like my SIM is on my iPhone 7, so you can do it like this, if you first tell you that whatever your If there is a due bill, pay it.


My due bill was Rs 91. Now it happens like this, suppose my billing cycle is going on from 23rd and today I have converted my bill from postpaid to prepaid, so it will show you the bill for whatever number of extra How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid days you have. It does not require you to pay the entire bill. So this is quite correct in postpaid, so you have to directly pay your bill there first of all.


So after paying the bill, the next step will come, you have to go to the menu again, go to profile and settings, then go to switch to prepaid. There it will show you that in the next four steps your postpaid will be converted to prepaid. Then from there you have to click next. Then your details will come there. You have to confirm the details.


Then an OTP will come. You have to enter the OTP. After that plans will come in front of you. Now which are these plans that you have to put in your prepaid sim. Now there is another problem here. There is a plan of How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid ₹39 for 1GB data per day. This is for 22 days. But I got the 1.5GB plan for 28 days for Rs. 299, you can also get the one for Rs.


349, here you will get 2GB data per day and a plan for 28 days, in this you will get unlimited 5GB, but I do not want unlimited 5G because I have WiFi at my home, so here I have got the plan for Rs. 299, so just after that you have to make the payment of your prepaid recharge and after that it will be written in front of you that Subscription Change Request Submitted and as soon as you go back from it, where your post plan was How to Convert Jio Prepaid to PostPaid coming earlier, it will be written there that Migration in progress and you can see in the screen recording that this

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