jio prepaid to postpaid conversion

I have brought a lot of videos on j a fab for all of you in which I have covered almost every topic but still there are some points about which my subscribers and viewers still have doubts so in today’s video, we are jio prepaid to postpaid conversion going to talk about those points and the points which I am going to cover in today’s video, after this video you will not have any confusion related to them so without any delay let’s start the video, if you like it then do

Can I convert Jio prepaid to postpaid online?


like and subscribe to the channel, the target is to get 50000 subscribers so now let’s start the video guys the topic that is going to be here is post paid and prepaid now here we will talk about the most important thing jio prepaid to postpaid conversion jio1 DM came in, instagram2 recharge got over and now the bill has been generated for ₹1 63 so brother do we have to pay this or not or what is the reason for this now watch We take a three month plan for around ₹1.

jio prepaid to postpaid conversion
jio prepaid to postpaid conversion


20, which is a plan of Rs. 599, let’s assume 2120, 2100 something, so what people think is that this will last for full 3 months, meaning that postpaid is a normal thing, it is called a postpaid connection, so what happens in postpaid is that we first use it, if we use it for a complete month, then its bill will be generated, normally, so jio prepaid to postpaid conversion this happens in our mind, so with Air Fiber also, people had the same thought in their mind that brother, by paying ₹1.

What happens to my existing Jio prepaid plan if I switch to postpaid?


20, it should last for proper three months, then the bill of the fourth month should be generated when the fourth month is completed, just like if I have got it installed in June, then from June to July, one month, from July to August, two months and from August to September, three months, that means three months are completed till September, so now my bill should have been generated in October because the bill of jio prepaid to postpaid conversion September The month is run in postpaid only, so the bill for the month of September should be generated in October but Jio’s bill for 3 months will be generated and


you will have to pay that. Now there is this confusion in people’s mind that if this is postpaid then how did the fourth month’s bill get generated so soon, I mean we did not even use it, so guys this is postpaid but consider it as prepaid, let’s see inside it, what do you call prepaid, it has properties and postpaid also has properties, how are they, I will tell you now, look the property of prepaid is such that your bill will be jio prepaid to postpaid conversion generated before the end of the month, that means at the start of the month itself the bill for the

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whole month will be generated, so by paying that you will get to use it for the whole month, this was the property of prepaid, now if we talk about postpaid, then how did postpaid become postpaid, this is such that even if you do not pay for it, your connection will continue, it does not happen in prepaid, if you pay in jio prepaid to postpaid conversion prepaid, then your connection will not work, if you pay then it will not work It will work, in this you get at least I think around one week’s time, so you can top up it in a week and

How much time will it take to convert Jio prepaid to postpaid?


then you can use it again, so if you have a doubt in your mind that how is the bill being generated after 3 months and as per the rules it should be of Rs. 707 but it was generated for Rs. 1163 now how did it get jio prepaid to postpaid conversion generated, so he had sent me some screenshots though I cannot share that with you, from what I found out in that, one thing is that his account was suspended so there are suspension charges, don’t think that if the account is closed then you will get it activated again at the same price, in that


you have to pay a little fine or whatever charges are there, you have to pay that extra ₹1.50 whatever it is, it depends, I do n’t know for sure yet, within the second month one bill of yours is generated as compared to jio prepaid to postpaid conversion normal, that means it will definitely be of Rs. 707, apart from that one more bill will be generated if you get a new connection, then for the second month A bill will be generated for you inside, it will be of ₹ 770, ₹ 10, 90 or even ₹ 1.


Now I have made a dedicated video on why it is generated because it has multiple billing generation dates due to which there is a gap of four days to five days between the installation and the date of bill generation, which is normal for every user. And for those four to five days that you use J Air Fiber, for those four to five jio prepaid to postpaid conversion days, an amount of 70, 80, 90, 80, 100, whatever it is, is generated.

jio prepaid to postpaid conversion
jio prepaid to postpaid conversion


And what many people do is they do n’t pay that amount, they think they will pay it next month or after three months, or they don’t pay it. Some have also said that the customer himself says that you should not pay it, it jio prepaid to postpaid conversion will be automatically adjusted, it is not like that. Whatever amount is being generated, 70, 80, 90, you will have to pay it because it is a small amount.


There is a tactic and if you use it then you will have to pay and if it is extra then you have to pay it, so my suggestion would be that if you have taken a plan of 3 months, then it will run for 3 months and you will have to pay the full amount of the fourth month at the beginning of the fourth month itself. This is like a jio prepaid to postpaid conversion prepaid, it is called postpaid, it is not proper postpaid, it is prepaid and postpaid to some extent but it is not proper.


I hope you must have understood this thing about this that if your bill is being generated more, then why is it happening because you have used it for extra days, so do not think that something extra has been generated, it is not so, it has been generated because you have used it and after the completion of 3 months, you will have to pay the amount of the fourth month’s billing plan in advance, that bill of yours will be generated at jio prepaid to postpaid conversion the beginning of the fourth month itself, so you will have to pay it, you cannot ignore it, if you ignore it The


connection will work for three-four days, after that your account will get suspended, so if you are going to use it definitely or want to use it then get month to month recharge or get 3-month or 6-month recharge done, that is much better, other than that you don’t need to think much, it’s simple, you get a limit of jio prepaid to postpaid conversion 1000GB, use it, enjoy it, if you are unable to use it, it’s not working, get it removed and get some other one installed, it’s a simple funda, I hope you understood the video, still if you have

 JF prepaid and JFber postpaid and which one should we prefer, so by the end of this video you will know what is the difference between prepaid and postpaid, so here you must know a basic difference between jio prepaid to postpaid conversion prepaid and postpaid that in prepaid you have to pay money first, then you can use the services, but what happens in postpaid is that you are allowed to use the services first and on that


basis your bill is generated here, then you pay that bill, so there is some such difference, on the other hand, if we talk about jio1, then see what is here, if you opt for prepaid service, then what is here is that you will have to pay installation charge, even security deposit, if you take a set of box, then you will have to pay its charge jio prepaid to postpaid conversion separately here, but if we talk about postpaid, then in postpaid you will not have to pay any such charges.


You will not get to see that your installation here will be done absolutely free, you will also be given a router absolutely free and if you opt for a set-top box, that too will be given to you here for free but there is a jio prepaid to postpaid conversion condition in postpaid that you will have to take a 3 month, 6 month and 12 month plan here. If you go with a 3 month plan, then you will have to take a plan with a minimum of 100 ABPS but if you go with a six month or 12 month plan, then you can opt for everything from 30mb paise to 1gbps.


But here in prepaid there is no such condition, you can take any plan here, you can take it for any number of months, the only condition here is that if you opt only for internet, then here ₹1 installation ₹5000000 the jio prepaid to postpaid conversion installation is not refundable but ₹5000000 It will be refunded even if you opt for the setup box so what is here is that you will have to pay ₹2500000 00 for the router 1000 for the setup box and 000 for installation out of which 000 for installation will not be refunded and 00 as soon as you return the device it is refundable you will


get that rest if you go with a 6 month or 12 month prepaid plan then you are given a little extra validity here like if you take a six month plan of f prepaid then here you will be given 15 days extra validity with all the jio prepaid to postpaid conversion plans and with this if you take a plan for 12 months then here you will get 30 days free validity here with the same plan rest if we talk about plans then 30 abpa 100mbps 150mbps 300 abpa 500 abpa and 1gbps Whatever are their plans, the benefits you get in all of them are almost common and yes in prepaid plans,


as you can see, here you do not get support for any live TV channels, but here if you go with postpaid, then you get a new option of OTT, so what is here, if you go with 30 APS plan, then here you will get the option in postpaid that instead of taking this internet only plan of 399, you can take a plan of 599 in which you will get jio prepaid to postpaid conversion some OTT benefits and you will also get to watch live TV channels, that is, you can opt for set-top box here in the 30 APS plan, if you go with postpaid plan and you will have to pay 599, you will have to take a minimum


six-month plan because only then you will get the install charge and all other things free of cost, so you can see here you will get to watch all these subscriptions here if we pay 100 If we talk about the AVPS plan, then here you get two different options, first if you pay ₹ 2000000 extra, then you will get a plan of 899 here and jio prepaid to postpaid conversion as you can see here we have selected the three month plan, so what is here that you can get all these three plans here, three month, six month and 12 month, in 100 AVPS, as we have


already told you, so what is there in this is that you will get all these subscriptions, here you will have to go to NEELAMAZON2 because in prepaid you do not get any such options here in 30 AVPS and 100 AVPS, rest you jio prepaid to postpaid conversion will know that here in all the plans you get the option of unlimited calling here, so for that you can also connect the landline phone to your router and here you can use unlimited calls, rest


Jio1 And you get to see it in both postpaid and yes the unlimited data here is available here at 3300 GB2 and there is no difference between postpaid and both, you get to see 3300 GB8 every month in both which is very high, no friend, I don’t believe it, now I will tell you about the billing cycle of postpaid here, see if you have jio prepaid to postpaid conversion got your connection installed here between 1st to 10th, then your bill here will be generated on 11th, otherwise if you have got it installed between 11th to 20th, then your bill will be


generated on 21st and if you have got it installed between 21st to 30th, then your bill will be generated on 1st. Now why am I telling you this because what happens here is that whenever your bill is generated, after jio prepaid to postpaid conversion that you are given 9 days time and within those 9 days if you do not pay your bill, then you will also have to pay late fee here.


1 or 2 on your bill, so if the % of the bill is less than ₹ 1, then you will have to pay ₹ 1000000 or if the % of your bill is more than ₹ 1, then whatever the amount is, you will have to pay that as a late fee here and you will get it added to your next month’s bill here, so there are some such scenes too, so if you take a postpaid connection here, then you will have to take care of these things too, now here we come to the final jio prepaid to postpaid conversion conclusion that brother, here you should take a prepaid connection of JF or you should take a postpaid connection of JF, so


see here, what is it that if you go with prepaid, then here you will get the option that if you do not want to use it in any month, then you can pause the connection here, but if you go with postpaid, then your bill will keep coming every month, whether your exams come or some work at your home increases, even then your jio prepaid to postpaid conversion fiber connection will work It will remain the same and you will have to pay the bill for that month also, it is something like this but if I tell you, brother postpaid is a better option here


you get to see a lot of benefits and even if you want OTT here and if you want to go with the plan of 30 ABPA and 100 ABPA, then you have only one option postpaid, so that is the same, if you look around then postpaid is the better option and we also had taken a postpaid connection, so you can see we have told you jio prepaid to postpaid conversion everything and now you can decide which one you should take, so you can take any connection from prepaid and postpaid according to your need and these were all the differences, so we have told you everything

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